Executive protection agents are people who provide for the physical protection, welfare, and security of a high-profile client through performing armed and/or unarmed executive protection tasks.
If this jolted you, or if you are looking for a career track and being an executive protection agent matches your skills and interests, wait up because there are steps on how you can become one. In this article and guide, we are going to offer you a glimpse at the steps on how you could become the best executive protection agent, including the need for executive protection training and more.
First And Foremost, What Does It Mean By Executive Protection?
You have learned tidbits about executive protection agents in the first paragraph. This time, we will learn first what executive protection is to give you a firm background about taking the career of becoming an executive protection agent.
Executive protection pertains to providing security for individuals who need protection against public threats, such as VIPs, corporate executives, celebrities, and the like. Increasingly, these public threats are now both physical and digital, and many individuals require heightened protection from those who steal their information in the media.
The duties of an executive protection agent include testing security systems, performing risks assessment, determining which people are at higher risk, developing methods and approaches to keep them safe all the time, and so much more.
So what are the steps that you need to keep in mind before you partake in this kind of career?
The Steps On How You Can Become An EP Agent
Below, you will learn the critical steps to becoming an executive protection agent. Let us begin with the first step.
Step 1: Acquire Proper And Adequate Training First
Similar to any other career or job, this requires you to possess both soft and hard skills so you can be successful and effective at it. Being an EP agent is both pertained to as the best and worst job in the world. Having said this, it requires you to be a specialist in these fields.
- Hand-to-hand combat
- Perimeter security
- Fluency in Microsoft Office applications
- Ground transportation security
- CCTV services
- Risk assessment
- Journey management
- Corporate security
Of course, what you learned above are not the only skills that you ought to learn. To start learning such skills, you can enroll in various courses available out there, both online and offline. There should be no excuses since the knowledge is available around. You just need to stretch your limbs and do your part.
Furthermore, it is also advantageous if you have prior skills from your previous careers that you can use. However, take note that there is no substitute for an intensive executive protection training program.
Aside from this, you should also know that you need a license to be considered for at least an entry-level position in this industry.
Step 2: Have The Courage And Determination
This sounds like both a step and a motivational tip. On the surface, people will think that this job requires the person to be tough and be badass. Yes, these are crucial factors needed in a sector that requires courage, determination, and excellent physical and mental shape to perform all the tasks involved.
Thus, keeping a high mental discipline, set of teamwork skills, character, maturity in judgment, and burning desire to fulfill the tasks is a must. These are the necessary qualities of a professional executive protection agent. These are also what separates them from other careers out there.
Step 3: Showcase Leadership Skills
What are the first things that will come to your mind when you think of the word “leaders”? Perhaps, politicians and military commanders, right? But these are only a part of the broader perspective when talking about leadership. Executive protection agents are likewise leaders because they usually operate in groups, and have colleagues and subordinates they work with.
More often than not, clients hire not just one bodyguard but perhaps between three to 10 people tasked to protect them. And handling such teams take several hours of training and legwork.
Yet remember, too, that managing people and working on the tasks makeup only the tip of the iceberg in this type of career.
Therefore, you must be prepared to lead others and yourself. Self-leadership pertains to the practice of being accountable to yourself.
Step 4: Have The Technical And Equipment Know-How
You have learned in the first step that being an EP agent is not just about strength. They must also be knowledgeable about specific skills and equipment. Executive protection agents are touted as kings in the arena of general knowledge because of their broad range of skills and expertise.
Diving through the nitty-gritty of this job can be a daunting task if you do not have knowledge about these skills and equipment. You will have to possess the know-how on things like software, emergency breath systems, cameras, drones, survival toolboxes, and a whole lot more.
Step 5: Accept That Being An Executive Protection Agent Is Not For Everybody
Being an executive protection agent is not for everybody. This should come at you as a no-brainer.
Know that EP work is performed under systematic and establishment procedural approaches, following controlled forms of behaviors.
Plus, it is done with the use of practical methods aligned with plans to keep both the client and the executive protection team safe.
Step 6: Know That In Becoming An EP Agent, You Do Not Matter, Your Clients Matter The Most
Being an executive protection agent may require you to reject yourself or stop thinking about yourself. While at work, what matters most are your clients and their safety.
Everybody has their own personal problems and issues. The best EP agents are those who can totally keep these to themselves.
Thus, keep in mind that the job is all about professional relationships, not personal ones, even if you have a baby or a family. But of course, outside the job, you can deal with your personal matters.
Step 7: Separate Your Normal And Professional Lives
Somewhat related to the previous step, you should separate your everyday and professional lives. Life can be different once you are outside of your work. There are no more fancy cars, no more fine dining, and you can forget about the opulent life you can see while at work.
It is vital that you possess the right skills. But do not be intimated about the requirements of becoming an EP agent. Take them as a way to progress into your career. It is fulfilling to become an executive protection agent.
Discover The Opportunities In This Career Today: Wrapping Up
When you are looking to thrive and succeed as an executive protection agent, remember you need the right training and licensing, you must learn to be a leader, and you should never compare your personal life to your professional life.
In addition, every single day of your work as an executive protection agent is unique. There might be recurring tasks, but each new day brings new problems that need to be solved. So, make up your mind as you go, and improvise as much as you can. There are many pros and cons to this job, but it will be very easy to succeed in this.