At the end of a long day, as you head towards your room, you think about what a bustling day you had and how you hardly can’t wait to get under the spreads in your bed, turn on the TV and unwind.
The only thing that could ruin this desire to relax is to walk into a room filled with germs. You may have worked hard to make your room a beautiful haven, but even super-clean rooms can harbour germs. In fact, you’re more bound to become ill from bugs in your own room than from any other source.
But, worry not. We’ve come up with simple strategies to get rid of those nasty germs, allowing you to spend germ-free time in your room, always!
Tackle Touch Points
Telephone, remote, doorknobs, computer keyboards, light switches, and desks are popular landing sites for germs. You should make it a daily schedule to clean these touchpoints; it is the simplest way you can ward off germs from your room. This also keeps microscopic organisms, be it bacteria or viruses from building up.
You can:
- Gather up all of your mobiles and remote controls and give them a good wipe with a slightly damp dust-free cloth
- Spray doorknobs and handles with disinfectants
- When someone falls ill, disinfect doorknobs and handles daily
After all these activities, make a point of washing your hands using Dettol hand wash to kill any germ encounter that you may have during any of the procedures.
Change Towels and Sheets
Linens and towels are the items we use every day; in fact, we cannot do without them. Bedsheets and pillows keep us comfy at night, and we all need a towel after showering. Since, you tend to be in contact with these items frequently, keeping them clean is of utmost importance.
- Make sure to give duvets, linens, towels, and pillow covers a hot wash every ten days
- You can dry pillowcases and bedsheets in direct sunlight, as Ultraviolet rays are effective in killing micro-organisms
- Running a hot iron over bedsheets and pillowcases can effectively kill any leftover bacteria
Stop Spreading Germs Around
We use dust rags and mops as cleaning tools, but we often fail to sanitize them between uses. Therefore, they become sources for the very germs they are intended to wipe out. As a result, they only spread germs around. To avoid this, wash cleaning tools at high temperatures and dry them before use. This will help your room remain clean and germ-free.
Clean the Flowy Curtains And Ceiling Fans
When it comes to cleanliness, ceiling fans and curtains are frequently overlooked. Although, drapes make the perfect accessory for your window and ceiling fans are great for cooling down your room, these items also gather dust like crazy!
Curtains can trap a ton of germs, and it is critical to vacuum or wash them. Similarly, you need to start dusting your fan’s blades, unless you want dusty clumps flinging around every time you turn it on.
Wash Your Hands Often to Stay Healthy
As we touch objects and surfaces throughout the day, we accumulate bacteria and viruses on our hands. And by touching our nose, eyes, or mouth with the same hands, we infect ourselves with germs or spread them to others. Washing hands frequently can limit the transfer of bugs.
Regular handwashing with Dettol Hand Wash is one of the best ways to prevent swine flu, remove germs, and prevent their spread to others. It is simple, quick, and a win for everyone, except the germs!
Therefore, you must wash your hands using Dettol Hand Wash:
- Before, during, and after preparing food
- After using the toilet
- Before eating food
- After touching garbage
- Before and after treating a wound
- After caring for someone sick
Your room where you set yourself up for the day should reflect your ideal state of mind. The above cleaning strategies designed to germ-proof your particular space will help keep your room tidy and clean.