Learning a new language can be a daunting task. It often feels like there’s so much to learn and not enough time to do it. But with a bit of perseverance and the right tools, you can make great progress in your language studies. The main thing you need to remember is motivation – because if you’re not engaged in the process, you simply won’t have a reason to study.
There are many ways to keep your study motivation at high levels at all times, such as choosing the methods that suit you, creating a learning plan, or simply finding the inner structure of your target language.
For each person, these ways will be different – but if you know some of them, it’s already a good place to start. That’s why in the article below, we’ve prepared for you a list of five tips that should help you stay on track. Don’t just sign for an English course online – create your own learning method. Try our tips and find your motivation to learn a language.
Set Realistic Goals To Stay Focused
When starting your language learning journey, it’s important to set achievable goals in order to stay focused and keep going. If your goals are too lofty or unrealistic, you may find yourself quickly becoming discouraged and giving up. It’s important to have a plan and to be able to see tangible progress in order to fuel your motivation.
One way to set realistic goals is to break them down into smaller steps. This will make your own goals more manageable and less daunting.
For example, if your goal is to be able to hold a conversation in French within six months, you can break this down into smaller targets. For example, in the first two weeks, you can start learning the alphabet, basic vocabulary words, and common phrases. Once you’ve achieved these smaller goals, you can move on to the next step.
Another thing you can do to set realistic goals is to base them on your current language skills. If you’re a beginner, don’t aim for French conversation within six months – that might be unachievable for now. Start by aiming for something more manageable, such as being able to introduce yourself in French or reading simple paragraphs.
You can also keep a journal of your studies. This is a great way to track your progress and see how far you’ve come in your language learning journey.
Keep A Positive Attitude Towards Learning
A positive attitude is key when it comes to acquiring new skills, especially in learning languages. If you think negatively about the process, it will serve as a total motivation killer and may even lead to burnout.
Try to focus on the progress you’ve made, rather than how much there is still left to learn. When you notice you achieve even the smallest progress (for example, after reaching a small goal), it will help you feel a sense of accomplishment and keep you wanting to continue learning.
Remember that making progress, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction.
It’s also important to find ways to make learning fun. If you’re not enjoying yourself, it will be very difficult to continue with your studies. Music, tv-shows, computer games in the target language – find what works for you and make sure to incorporate it into your studies.
Build A Habit Of Studying
One of the best ways to stay motivated when learning a language is to build a habit of studying regularly. If you can make studying a part of your daily life, it will become much easier to stick with it.
You can do this by simply planning your foreign language lessons for the week or the month. Choose two or three days per week when you’ll be able to dedicate more time to a learning session – and try to keep up with the schedule.
Working with a teacher or a language buddy – for example, signing up for an English class online (or any class for any other language) – will also keep you motivated.
You can also set aside a specific time each day to study. This could be first thing in the morning, during your lunch break, or before bed. The most important thing is to find a time that works for you.
Find A Studying Method That Suits You
Everyone’s brain is different, and it’s important to find a learning method that suits you. Some people prefer to study alone, while others like studying in a group. Some people learn languages better by listening, while for others, reading works better. For some, a language app would be the best learning aid, and others will achieve great results through private lessons.
It’s important to find learning methods that fit your learning style – and it doesn’t have to be just one. Try experimenting, mix and match until you find a combination that suits you the best.
Private lessons and language apps, flashcards and online resources, Youtube and podcasts – there are quite a lot of things you can choose from.
Reward Yourself For Your Accomplishments
One of the best ways to stay motivated when learning a new language is to reward yourself for every small success. This could be something as simple as treating yourself to a cup of coffee after completing a lesson or going out for dinner with friends after passing your course exams.
The idea is to find rewards that are meaningful to you and that will help you stay in the mindset of success. If you don’t have any immediate rewards in mind, try setting long-term goals and rewarding yourself once you’ve achieved them.
Let’s Sum Up
These are just a few tips to help you stay motivated when learning a new language. With a little effort, you can make your language learning process efficient and enjoyable. Just remember to set realistic goals, reward yourself for your accomplishments, find a language buddy or use online resources to keep you on track.
It’s also essential to be patient. Learning a new language can take time, so don’t lose sight of your goals if you don’t see results immediately. Remember: even your native language acquisition didn’t happen overnight. As a child, it took you years of practice to achieve fluency, so you can’t expect to learn a foreign language too quickly.
And most importantly, don’t give up. Learning a new language can be challenging, but it’s also very rewarding. Just keep studying and you will eventually make progress. Stick with the process – and enjoy the journey!