The veteran sales force developers have always faced specific challenges including continuous integrations, scaffolding the sales force org, automated testing and tracking the dependencies. Thankfully, till date, most of the solutions to these problems come from the vibrant community of developers who use the sales force CRM for business management and marketing purposes. Finally, after a long wait, developers got to experience the next innovation from the leading marketing CRM – the SalesforceDx. It is already in BETA right now, and it is already becoming ubiquitous among business app developers, marketing managers and others who have been a fan of Salesforce for years.

Most developers are expecting the main DevOp challenges of Salesforce to end with the introduction of Dx. Here are the six main benefits of the Dx version we are enjoying right now:

Scratch Orgs make creation of developer Orgs painless

Creating the Orgs and setting them up with the new SalesforceDx via is easy and quick. The commands any developer will need for this process are already in verified documents, blogs and posts. There are official documents that explore the codes that will help you create the developer Orgs.

Experience easy source-driven development

Earlier, extracting the source code from the version control system of the Salesforce CRM and auto-deploying the sales force instance was quite the pain. Right now, you can maintain a single project-scratch-def.json file for your assuming complete control of your project. You can bypass the manual steps like enabling chatter, person accounts, service clouds and creating multi-currency accounts by employing SalesforceDx at your service.

Continuous Integration avoids the regression bugs

Continuous Integration requires the devs to share several scripts with the repository multiple times per day. Initially, this was difficult, since the engineers would need knowledge of migration software and the APIs to maintain the evolving metadata. However, SalesforceDx is a CLI based CRM that supports Travis, Circle or Jenkins dev environments. It will avoid regression.

Automating the test runs

Any developer can automate their Continuous Integration to run the apex unit tests. Developers can use the Jasmine JavaScript Testing Framework for the Salesforce Lighting components.

Data load between Orgs is now automated

There is a point of data loading between the Orgs that requires manual labor. It requires the knowledge of data loader tools that can fetch the dataset for the developer Orgs. SalesforceDx writes the query and command to get the JSON files.

Managing multiple Orgs with identical namespace

It is evidently advantageous for developers to build namespace that is independent of codes. Here’s how:

  • Deploy the code to non-namespace org
  • Supports change of namespace later

SalesforceDx supports the use of multiple scratch Orgs with an identical namespace. It automatically means if you or your developer is sure about the namespace, you can hardcode it into the main code. It makes the design and creation of the Salesforce Lightning components much easier for the other engineers.

Adoption of SalesforceDx for almost all developers looks like a straightforward process. It is cost-effective, and it is rewardingly agile for all levels of developer actions.