Technology has continued to advance greatly in recent years and it now plays such a major role in our everyday lives. This is only going to continue to increase, as more and more innovative technology is released on the market. It is now being used for work and online entertainment to name just a few, with technology being so important for both areas through the last 12 months, due to the lockdowns enforced.

Online entertainment has seen a real increase through these enforced lockdowns and been so important for people staying sane. Here at Max is an example, with online casinos proving very popular, alongside other traditional methods of gaming, such as consoles and now mobile gaming. Each of these have seen a surge in players, with technology also now set to impact this further, due to the advanced gaming experience they provide. For consoles, we have recently seen the release of next generation consoles that are taking console gaming to new levels and this trend is only set to continue moving forward. Then for online casinos, we are set to see the release of virtual reality casinos, that are predicted to take the industry to new levels and bring in a new set of players. And could this also yet play a negative role on land-based establishments.

Then as mentioned, technology now plays such a major role for working lives. This has been seen even more with offices closed and so many businesses now moving to working from home lives. This is all possible due to technological advancements, with the likes of Microsoft teams proving so popular and changing the way meetings are held. Again, it will now be fascinating to see whether this trend now continues moving forward and people are holding meetings online, rather than travelling across the world.

These two examples above, show the impact that technology is now playing on our lives day to day. It is only set to impact things further in the coming years and shape how we work and stay in contact with friends and family, with socialising even now moving online. The pandemic has certainly only increased this and it will be fascinating to see whether these changes and implemented further into people’s lives, even once these restrictions are lifted and normality is allowed to return or will this have changed everything for good.