Buying a car is a hassle. You look for a specific model, a particular brand. Then there are all sorts of safety statistics and other features that one has to keep in mind. Cars are almost always, a long-term investment. You don’t just put your money carelessly on a vehicle due to a whim.
After getting your savings together or opting for a loan to buy a car, you would not want to lose all that money just because there was a hailstorm. Considering all of the difficulties you go through to get a car, it becomes somewhat apparent, that you need to ensure it.
There is quite an abundance of insurance agencies and packages available for you to choose from, but you should remember that nothing is better than a fully insured car.
If you are wondering what is a ‘full coverage car insurance’ do not worry, keep reading. “Full coverage” could mean something different for everyone. Each insurance company has a variety of policies. Remember to go through each of them before signing up. What may seem like a fantastic deal now could potentially be a wrong choice in the long run.
Here are are a few details about what is ‘full coverage auto insurance’ and seven reasons why it is the right choice for you.
What is full coverage?
In all honesty, there’s no such thing as complete coverage. The term customarily refers to a combination of Liability coverage (state-required), collision coverage and comprehensive coverage.
Liability coverage
Liability coverage relates to the payment in case of damage to others when you have caused the accident. It covers bodily harm and also property damage. This coverage is essential for your car insurance.
Despite how careful you are, the roads are always unpredictable. You never know when a wrong turn by someone else could make you swerve in the wrong direction. This coverage does not pay for your expenses. The damage to your car will be in your pocket. There are limitations to this coverage as well. In a majority of the cases, $500000 is the limit for one accident.
Collision coverage
The cover for the damage caused to your vehicle and you, because of an accident you are responsible for, are paid through collision coverage. More often than not, you are expected to pay a small deductible by yourself, while your insurance company pays the remaining. If you were trying to save the ducks on the road and ended up with a damaged car, or your passengers were hurt in your failed efforts to avoid colliding into something, collision coverage would come in handy.
Comprehensive insurance
This insurance covers damage done to your car while you were not driving it. The cases include: if your vehicle has been vandalized or has been in a hailstorm, a hurricane or any other natural disaster. The weather is not something you can control, nor can you predict vandalism or mobs. Such conditions necessitate that you get comprehensive insurance for your vehicle.
Add on
Additional covers are an ideal long-term investment. Paying a small charge for more significant benefits would not hurt you when the situation calls for it.
Uninsured motorist insurance
This insurance would be of great help when you are stuck in an accident caused by someone else. If they are not insured, you will have a tough time getting medical fees or even the charges for property damage. There are instances when you would not receive medical expenses for the accident caused by you, but that too can be solved by paying a little more.
Roadside assistance
A lot of comprehensive insurances do not pay for this. People driving cars that break down often would benefit significantly from this. Many vehicles need a lot of assistance to keep running. People that drive cars which have sentimental values or the cars that are not in shape to operate without constant repairs wouldn’t mind paying for this cover. The former can retire the cars while there’s good news for the latter.
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Gap insurance
In the unfortunate situation of your car getting totaled, this cover would pay for the difference between the market value of your car and the amount you owed for its loan or lease. For those who are still paying for the car, this coverage would make things a lot easy if you need to pay the lender.
No matter how careful you are, a lot of things can go wrong while driving. Any of it could lead to severe damage to your car. Try to get the gap insurance on your plan even for a little extra money. Spending a little now could save a lot of your money in the future.
There are a lot of other covers that you can add to your coverage plan. Options such as rental reimbursements and customized parts and equipment are two from the plethora available. Your insurance plan should cover you in as many situations as possible. Reiterating the fact that being on the road is unforeseeable might push you to get a better plan. The fact that nearly 1.3 million people lose their lives because of road accidents is a bitter truth.
Other things to remember
Since a price is not set for “full coverage,” your insurance premium is calculated on a lot of other factors as well. The number of tickets or accidents on your record speaks a lot about your driving abilities. People, who have not had car insurance for over a year or even six months in some cases, are likely to get a higher rate in the initial period. Your age and sex play an important role here. The younger you are, the higher you pay. Young women don’t get their cars messed up as often as young men do.
There is a huge difference in the amount paid by people living in Idaho and Michigan. Your location is also taken into consideration. Forbes has listed the states with the highest and lowest rates, depending on the level of theft and accidents. If you live in a state where insurance theft is common, you may not get what you want.
Driving safe would be the best advice for everyone, but that wouldn’t suffice for all the cases. But investing in a full coverage auto insurance by paying a little extra would definitely be words to live by.
Author Bio:
About Michelle Joe: Michelle Joe is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her.
She likes to share her discoveries, experiences, and express herself through her blogs. You can find her
on twitter: @michellejoe524