Car Insurance Claim got Rejected? Here are the Reasons Why!


Nothing is more uncertain than life itself! And so are accidents. When it comes to being involved in a car accident, the best thing to do is understanding what all your policy covers and what it doesn’t cover.

As per law, all the drivers in the UAE have to purchase insurance for their vehicles. The policy at the very least provides coverage for third-party damages. And, finding a suitable plan in the cities such as Abu Dhabi and Dubai is definitely important, considering the high accident rates. You must compare car insurance Dubai for finding the most suitable one for yourself.


Sometimes, it is way beyond the semantics. Stating the obvious, every person would always put their best effort into saving money whenever possible, especially on the cost of car repairs.


It is important to understand what all you can claim for and why would your claim get rejected.

What all can I Claim for?

The most important document in any situation is your car insurance policy that shows the amount of coverage you are entitled to get. The following are the kind of damages you can make claim for.

1) General Damages

These damages pertain to the compensation because of suffering and pain as a consequence of the injuries sustained by the victim. For example, if you and the passengers in your car get injured in an accident, you have the option of claiming compensation for the injuries caused by the insurance company of the party who is responsible for the accident.

Keep in mind that the insurance of the other party will compensate you only in the situation if the driver was found to be responsible for the collision. Similarly, in case it was found that you are responsible partially, you and your passengers both will be compensated partially.

2) Special Damages

Such damages are pretty straight-forward. These are the claims for those expenses that incur due to an accident or mishap. For example, rent of another car, costs on transportation, and obviously the medical expenses.

These are usually related to the expenses, which include some monetary value incurred due to an accident. Make sure you know well about your coverage and check if you hold the correct add-on for the protection you require.

Now that you know what all you can claim for, you must be wondering, why would your insurance not provide cover for your claim?

Reasons My Claim May Get Rejected!

Here is a rundown on the various reasons your insurer may reject your claim.

You are in for what you have paid

There are many people who focus more on the price of the policy instead of what all is covered in the policy. This is a common myth that the more expensive your policy is, it will necessarily be better. But, a myth remains a myth! It is essential that you know what you are being covered for. This will help you in filing your claim whenever you have to.

For instance, there are some insurance policies, that do not cover accidents while driving across the border to Oman or Qatar or while driving off-road. In fact, there are comprehensive policies, that may not include the damages caused to your windscreen (when the other parts of the car remain undamaged).

These policies may also exclude the damages that are caused by floods and storms or if your personal belongings get stolen. It is important to check the details before you claim, for avoiding unnecessary grief or tension.

insurance, car, car insurance

Going Above the Threshold of the Policy

Irrespective of the insurer or the policy you have chosen, every single plan comes with some threshold, no matter what all covers are included in the policy or excluded from it. Your insurer has the right to deny covering the entire loss in case you have exceeded the particular limit, like key replacement and car rental (that are usually one-time coverages only within a policy term).

You must always be updated about the considerable differences between various providers, especially in terms of the threshold on damage and loss of personal belongings inside the vehicle or emergency medical expenses.

Dishonesty is the Worst Policy

Hiding the truth has never brought anything good to anyone, or anything for that matter. Hence, not telling the truth to your insurer will bring nothing good for you as well as your vehicle. You should be totally honest about your car as well as details of your lifestyle.

While this may lead to higher policy rates, but it can save you from a lot of inconvenience in the future. For instance, sharing the correct details of your car, like GCC Spec, which is a term for the model that is designed especially for the Gulf area.

If you inaccurately state that you have not been involved in an accident in the near past or share the incorrect details regarding the type or model of your car, you may get your claim rejected in the future.

Do Not Waste Time

While claiming from your insurer, you must not waste time. Some insurance plans need the claims to be made in a particular time span so as to get them covered. By doing this, the insurer may cover the damages caused due to accident, because damages left for a long duration may cause more harm to the vehicle.

The provider would also prefer covering the claims, which have considerable evidence over the ones that are the consequences of not reporting some accidents from the past.

Going Against the Law

No matter what, there is no valid excuse for breaking the law. If you have broken any law, the probability of your insurer covering your claim almost reduces to zero. It doesn’t matter how small or large the infringement might be; it will negatively affect your claim process.

For example, driving under the influence of alcohol or any illegal substance, driving too close to the traffic on road, or driving without the license may lead to huge fines or in fact, a prison term. Not only this, the offense is added to the official record of the driver. Due to this, the driver may have to face serious issues in the future.

The Closing Thought!

Always remember, your insurance provider will never rip you off on purpose. Their aim is to help you and protect you if you do the same with them. Being honest always pays off.

You must check all your details before filing the claim and always stick to the laws. It is also important that you compare car insurance Dubai before applying for one.