It Feels Like Forever Since I Last Saw My Family
It has been such a long time since I’ve enjoyed a proper Thanksgiving dinner with my family. In fact, no thanks to COVID, it has been almost three years since we’ve been able to enjoy a giant feast together. We’ve had to reduce the size of our usual gatherings!
Thankfully, restrictions have been loosening recently. While COVID is certainly still a serious worry, it feels as though things are looking up! I look forward to enjoying an epic, anxiety-free Thanksgiving meal with my loved ones. My parents are especially excited to celebrate because they’re older and have lost too much time with us due to the pandemic!
I Can’t Wait for Mom’s Delicious Cooking
This year, my mom wants to spice things up. She is planning to try out some new recipes and make this Thanksgiving feast even more special! She is excited to make the turkey more tender than it has ever been, and I simply can’t wait to taste it.
It will be a real feast complete with appetizers and delicious sides, including cheesy, twice-baked potatoes. It’s hard to contain my anticipation!
Looking Forward to Expressing My Thankfulness
Like many families, we have a tradition of saying what we are thankful for at the dinner table. I can guarantee that we’ll all be grateful COVID is nearly gone and that none of us has become seriously ill.
Of course, some precautions may still be necessary to keep everyone safe, but based on recent pandemic progress, things will be much more relaxed!
Ready to Make Fun Memories
My family has always loved to play fun board games while listening to groovy tunes on the radio. We usually do this after dinner while waiting for dessert—we’re able to digest a bit and converse to our hearts’ content. Unfortunately, we’ve been robbed of this simple pleasure for the last few years. Uncle Jamie still has the trophy from last get-together’s board gaming session, so this year, I’ll have to claim victory and win it back!
The day after Thanksgiving, it would be fun to do something outside the house, like go see a movie. Maybe we can even go mini-golfing or visit a driving range. We’ve always loved golf!
Games and other interactive media have always been our favorite family traditions, and it’ll be so nice to decompress and enjoy each other’s company with a little bit of friendly competition.
I’m Already Looking Forward to the Leftovers
The feast doesn’t end on Thanksgiving Day! There are always enough leftovers for a week of meals, though I’m sure my 3 children will devour it all within a few days. My family is generous and makes sure to give everyone enough to keep the feast alive.
The best part about leftovers is taking home pie. All the other food is delicious, but Aunt Sarah’s pies are perfect—they’re even more scrumptious than pies from a bakery! There’s nothing like a trusted family recipe, as it brings back memories and creates new ones every year.
Hopefully, everyone will be able to enjoy the holiday after a few years of nonstop anxiety. According to my mom, there will be a lot more decorations than usual—she wants to take everything very seriously since this will be one of the greatest reunions we’ll ever have!
How I’ll Look My Best for Thanksgiving
Because it has been so long since we last saw each other, I’ve decided to surprise my family. With all of the stressors of recent life, I’ve aged a good deal; in fact, I look like I’m in my 60s, and I’m only 45! Staring in the mirror is a task these days and can sour my mood.
So, before Thanksgiving, I’m going to get a facelift to look and feel years younger than I am. My family will think that I have a time machine somewhere in my basement! I know that my family loves me no matter how I look, but this is for me, and I want to put forth my best presence and feel better about who I am.
I can’t wait to see the surprise on all of their faces!