New Home, For Sale, Mortgage, Property

According to the National Realtor, everyone has his priorities when buying a house though  51% of American homebuyers prefer suburbs. The buying process may fill you with excitement, but you may also experience some uncertainty and stress.  To save time and make the buying process simple, you need to have a priority list. The list should highlight the features that you prefer having in your home. If you’re buying a family home, you may need to consult your family members to get their views.

Consulting your real estate agent may also help you to know the best homes to choose from. Sharing your priority list with a realtor can help you eliminate houses that don’t meet your specifications.

Here are some things that you need to consider before buying a house from Movoto.

1. Location

New Home, House, Construction

You need to buy a house in a location that will allow you to quickly access social amenities like schools, shopping malls, recreation centers, worship places, friends, and family. You also need to ensure that you can easily access the main roads before purchasing to save you from the hassles of commuting for long before accessing your residence.

Some people prefer having their homes in places where the lot is next to the main entry. Others, on the other hand, like to be away from traffic. Talking about whatever you prefer to have in your neighborhood with your realtor can help you find a suitable location quickly.

2. The Lot’s Size

Lots vary in sizes and shapes. Some people prefer smaller lots while others prefer bigger ones. They can be pie-shaped, irregular, or rectangular. Your level of privacy, how you intend to use your lawn, and how long you want your driveway should guide you in selecting a suitable lot.

You also want to check the lot’s dimensions and descriptions to know where the lots begin and end. The description may help you know whether the house you intend to buy has one or two lots. If it has two lots, you can use the second to build a workshop, garage, or other buildings. Alternatively, you can make a home on the second lot and sell it.

3. The Condition of the Home and Its Appliances

Replacing appliances can be very costly. Therefore, you need to appraise every appliance’s age and condition before you make a buying decision. If you prefer your dream house to have some appliances, for example, an electric cooker instead of a gas stove, you also need to ensure it’s available.

Most kitchens need several appliances. Like the microwave, some may be easier to add, while others, such as the dishwasher, may require additional space. You, therefore, need to confirm that the seller of the house provides those appliances. If they’re not available and the house has an additional room, you may buy yours or move to another home where you can find all appliances.

Besides that, you may need to hire a home inspector to check the age of the appliances. If they seem outdated, ask the seller for the price of their replacement. But if you don’t want to replace them, it would be best to find a house with all the appliances you need. Knowing the appliances in the property listing will also help you know devices that are part of the purchase and those that aren’t.

Apart from appliances, you also need to consider the age of the other parts of the house, such as the roof, floor, walls, doors, and windows. If you choose to purchase an older home, plan a budget for the upgrades and repairs. Also, ensure that the house price is within your buying and upgrading range not to spend more than you planned for.

Your realtor can also help you understand the building codes that change in various states over the years. You don’t want your house brought down because you’ve not upgraded it according to the rules. It’s therefore essential to know those rules.

4. The Number of Bedrooms

If you have a family, you need to know the number of bedrooms you’ll need. Some families prefer their children sharing bedrooms, while others like it when their kids have separate bedrooms to accommodate different study habits and bedtimes. Others who have frequent visitors who stay for an extended period also like having one bedroom designated as a guest room. So, depending on your family’s needs, you can choose a house with two, three, or four bedrooms.

Though many factors may determine the number of bedrooms to have in your house, you need to have an extra bedroom. That spare bedroom can act as a place to store supplies, an office, a kids’ playroom, or your workout room.

5. The Number of Bathrooms

The bathrooms are a vital part of a house because they help you and your family to be clean. According to a study by Study Finds, the average person spends 416 days of his life in the bathroom.  Most old homes have only one bathroom, while newer homes may have two or more bathrooms. If you’re not comfortable having one bathroom in your house, you can buy an old home and remodel it or buy a new one that has several bathrooms.

The style and size of the bathrooms also matter a lot. A bathtub and shower can keep you comfortable enough. However, if you want some luxury, you can buy a home with jacuzzi tabs. Other qualities such as a shower stall, handicap accessible bathroom, number of guests who’ll be using the bathroom, and sizable bathtubs are factors you may want to consider.

6. Buying Price

Price is the primary determining factor of the house you’ll buy. But even before you think about your price range, you need to get a loan pre-approval. The size of your family, the size of your mortgage repayment, and processing fees should help you determine how much you want to spend. It’s always important to stick to your budget and get a house that fits your financial goals.

The Bottom-line

It may not be easy to find a property that meets your tastes and preferences. But if you have a desirable budget and realistic expectations, you’ll find a house that fits most of your essential considerations. The factors above can give you some things to consider before buying your next home.