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Moving Beyond Bitcoin: 4 Great New Cryptocurrencies

Unless you've been completely ignoring the rapidly-developing world of cryptocurrency trading, there's no doubt that you've already heard about the historical rise and fall...

Rehab 101, Article 10: Choosing the Right Rehab Center

There are a lot of excellent choices to be made when choosing a rehabilitation center; however, since rehab is a personalized process, it is...

Rehab 101, Article 1: Introduction

This is the first article in a series of ten articles, that will discuss and present the current state of drug rehabilitation. In each...

Rehab 101, Article 2: Detoxification

Introduction The first step in rehabilitation is detoxification, to understand where this sits within the overall picture, here is a quick look at rehabilitation, or...

Rehab 101, Article 3: Rehabilitation

After an addict has gone through successful detoxification, they are ready to enter a rehabilitation facility. These centers provide a protective environment keeping the...

Rehab 101, Article 4: Treatment

Introduction Treatment solutions are personal. This is because every person’s brain chemistry and physiology are different. Apart from the differences in substance tolerance, there are...

Rehab 101, Article 5: Criminal Justice

American drug abusers should say thank you that they are not in the Philippines where tolerance is much lower and rehabilitation is voluntary on...

Rehab 101, Article 6: Recovery

There is much debate about the use of the word recovery. Is an addict considered recovered after detox? After leaving a rehab program? When...

Rehab 101, Article 7: Counselling

All addiction treatments incorporate counseling along the entire process. Counselling comes in a variety of methods, and they include: Twelve-step programs Client-centered approaches Psychoanalysis ...

Rehab 101, Article 9: Religion and Drugs

Rehab 101 Article 9: Religion and Drugs Narcotics have been used in religions since the dawn of time. The first users were shamans to induce visions...