People pick up bad habits in response to a wide variety of stimuli. In some cases, there is an incentive to practice bad habits, and people find the motivation to develop these bad habits over time. On the other hand, some situations make people go weak physically, mentally or financially and they respond to the stress in their lives with a bad habit. Sadly, times change and so do the circumstances, but bad habits once developed stay with people for their lifetimes unless a special effort is made to weed them out. People nurture bad habits in their lives with the thought that they can afford to strike a compromise deal while forgetting that the effects of these bad habits shall come back into their lives to haunt them one day.

What are the bad habits that we accumulate over time? What is required to do away with these bad habits? What are alternatives, if any exist? Take a look at these worst habits that are borne by people unconsciously and the ways to deal with them.

  1. Spending Time Aimlessly
    What time of life is free time? There is no such thing called free time in life because there are no free lunches. Time spent on relaxation also does not qualify as free time but as an essential part of life. Wasting time, not knowing the task at hand is inherently a bad habit. A life that is not productive is not a life led, but a life wasted. Quit the bad habit of spending time overthinking, watching TV or chatting with friends. It starts with effective time management, goal setting on a daily basis and following set routines.
  2. Depending on Others
    How does being dependent on others bring happiness? It never does. Depending on others is a bad habit that people pick up without knowing that they may be digging a grave for themselves. Depending on others for financial, social and even emotional needs is a bad habit. Happiness comes from being able to navigate challenges on the own. Not owing responsibility for our actions is a form of bad habit, one has to stand up and carry his weight. Independence brings confidence and frees one.
  3. Spending Too Less or Too Much Money
    In this material world, being sensible with money is a necessity. Money is like water. A scarcity of money can bring drought, and an excess of money can drown us in it. People spend too much money chasing material possessions, perceiving material objects as sources of happiness. There are others that live for money and presume that they have been put on this planet to accumulate money. Being detached from an excess of anything is the right way in life, and the same applies to money. Spend as much is necessary and save as much is necessary.
  4. Overreacting to Situations
    How often do people feel angry, sad or bad? Feeling a situation comes naturally to all but reacting to a situation is a bad habit. Very often the first thought that strikes the mind during adversity is not the solution to the problem. Getting angry on a person, feeling bad about a joke or over thinking things that lead to no solution is a bad habit. Reacting to a problem calls for analysis and introspection. Jumping to conclusions is not the solution.
  5. Staying awake Late at Night
    The human body is a biological system and is designed to function based on the fulfillment of physiological conditions of food, water and rest. Staying awake at night deprives the body of sleep. Further, the human body does not get adequate rest in daytime due to noise, light and the energy of people around. The night is meant for sleep. Quit this bad habit of staying awake for excuses of important and urgent work. No work could not be completed in the daytime if one were to follow the principles of time and task management.
  6. Confusing Aggression for Toughness
    There are fundamental psychological errors that people make by stereotyping feelings, often confusing aggression as a sign of mental toughness and vice versa. The two are different things. Stop behaving aggressively to pretend toughness. It is a bad habit that costs social image, reputation and in worst cases drives people away.
  7. Confusing Kindness for Weakness
    Being unreasonably kind does not pay. Kindness and weakness are not the same. It does not pay to confuse kindness for weakness. A person being kind is not necessarily weak. Quit the habit of concluding that a kind person is a weak one. Practise this for others and self.
  8. Depriving Self of Exercises
    The modern-day myth is to slog hard at the office and in business, get tired, drive home, sleep, wake up the next morning and repeat. Exercising is as important as eating, drinking and sleeping. The human body needs care and maintenance. Burning calories is a form of maintenance.
  9. Drinking to Resolve Worries
    Has alcoholism solved any of man’s problems? Does drinking leads to creativity, innovation or anything good? It certainly does not. There are ways and means to deal with ones’ problems without drinking. The first step is to treat alcoholism as an addiction and look to admit that drinking is a problem.
  10. Smoking Cigarettes
    Smoking cigarettes cause the lion’s share of cancer in the lungs, mouth, throat and the bladder. There is sufficient evidence in medical science to substantiate that smoking cigarette reduces lifespan. It is probably the worst of all the habits mentioned here and to be found in this world. What does it take to quit smoking? One needs to find alternatives to get rid of their tobacco addiction. Look out for various available alternatives like nicotine gums, patches or switch from smoking to vaping to begin a journey towards kicking your bad habit. E-cigarettes are considered relatively less risky and less dangerous to health. Although difficult to quit at once but with strong willpower, smoking can be quit.

Bad habits impose costs and weigh down on people. Repeating a bad habit is no more than a sign of weakness. It is always possible to make a fresh start in life. Life gives a second chance to those that are willing enough to take it.