It is essential for your business to have a decent business credit score. Firstly, it will aid you in getting a loan for your business as and when the need be. Secondly, a good credit score will lead to low rates on insurance and loan interest. Thirdly, it will help you in segregating your personal and business credit scores. And finally, a good credit score will augment the reputation of your business.
Some Quick Tips to Boost Up Your Business Credit Score
If you think that boosting up your business credit score is tough, then you are wrong. Below are the best 70 tips that will improve your credit score fast. Take a look,
- Track Your Score; there are some ways through which you can track your score namely,
- Check whether your credit card company provides a free credit card monitoring
- Pay a minimal fee to a credit bureau to access your credit score
- Sign up for a service which will check your credit thereby allowing you in tracking your score.
- Distinction Between Credit Report and Credit Score. Knowing the difference between the two is crucial. The credit score can be improved with time while the credit report is a document which holds enough financial information. Akin to the credit score you cannot improve the credit report in the same manner. There should be no errors on the credit report.
- Read the Credit Report. While reading the credit report check the following- ensure that your personal information and contact is accurate, recognize every account, check the payment history and balance, the credit inquiry must be correct, and the public records must be right.
- Understand What is Written on the Credit Report. The credit report has 4 vital information that you need to understand- your personal information, your trade lines, credit inquiries, and public records.
- Request the Three Credit Reports. Request for the three credit reports-TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian.
- Collect the Free Credit Report. Search for that free service through which you can check the credit report each year.
- Monitor the Credit, always remember good credit also demands to monitor.
- Take Wise Financial Decisions
- Stop worrying and obsessing
- Keep your credit under control
- Keep reminders for payment
- Keep a list of every credit account
- Check your dispute status
- Along with informing the bank or credit company, it is also important to notify the credit bureau
- Inform the credit company
- Select the Credit Score Tracker
- Discover which class you fall into
- Know the different score categories- exceptional credit, outstanding credit, good credit, fair credit, and poor credit.
- Learn about the FICO scores
- Know about the method used for calculating the FICO score
- Begin with the smallest debts and move to the largest
- Handle the debt smartly
- Check the total credit that you have
- Discover the total amount that you owe
- Make the payments on time
- Contact collections
- Steer Clear payoffs or charge-offs
- Get in touch with your creditors
- Get current when it comes to your payments
- Schedule for an automatic payment
- Mix up the credit
- Build a strong credit
- Limit the credit amount
- Choose a secured credit card
- Look for a starter card
- Gather some credit
- Pay your debt strategically
- Clear the rates of interest that is the highest
- Pay through found money
- Pay more than one time per month
- Pick the most appropriate card
- Create a balance between high balances and credit limits
- Know when you should transfer the balances
- Learn to negotiate
- Understand your balances
- Open the credit account carefully
- Build the credit limit gradually
- Keep balances low
- Keep the lines of credit open
- Upgrade your card
- Understand the fees and costs offered by the credit repair company
- Know when you should hire the services of a law firm
- Choose the credit repair company carefully
- Discover the role that the credit repair company plays
- Always hire the right company
- Understand the ratio of debt to credit
- Balance the ratio of credit utilization
- Do not close the old cards
- Control your spending habits
- Request for an increase in the credit limit
- Select the best credit monitoring plan
- Check your credit from time to time
- Clear payments on time
- Do not let the balance go out of control
- Check the report annually
- Limit the credit inquiries
- Monitor your progress
- Keep in touch with the credit repair company
- Initiate the process
- Know the timeline
So, now you are well aware of the 70 best guidelines, tips and tricks that will help a great deal to improve the credit score of your business.