Holistic medicine and alternative therapy as we all know encompasses some of the world’s oldest methods in alternative therapy and healthcare practice. The beauty of holistic healthcare lies in its healing approaches. While Modern healthcare system and practice focus on tackling health issues from a specific viewpoint by using medication and other modern medical procedures, this ancient system of healthcare capitalize on the interconnectivity of our body, soul and mind, lifestyle, spirituality, diet, and mental health. Additionally, while modern medical practices focus on healing a specific part of the body, the holistic alternative therapy focus on the healing and wellbeing of the entire body physically, spiritually and psychologically. Don’t get it wrong; this is not to castigate neither is it to downplay the role and importance of contemporary medicine in our modern world but to unravel the importance of the beneficial advantages of a health care system we have chosen to ignore.
In our world today, there is a lot of constantly changing phenomenon around us each day. Ranging from scientific and technological advancement, social infrastructure, all the way down to the sociocultural behavioral pattern, humans in every aspect has experienced sporadic evolutionary transformation. These changes, though awesome and more convenient, has affected us in diverse areas in life as a result of our efforts to blend in. As each day goes by, we try as much as possible to integrate ourselves to these advancements around us, tasking our physical, mental, psychological and spiritual well being beyond limits in the course. What we have failed to understand is that our endeavors to synchronize with advancements in our fast-growing world have systematically resulted in most of the major physical and psychosocial health care issues we face today. Our activities have led us to many healthcare issues such as traumatic stress, ulcer, diabetes, psychopathy, depression, physiological anomalies and lots more.
The thing is, as much as contemporary medicine can help in tackling these issues, it cannot be compared to the holistic healthcare system. Holistic medicine is all about reinventing and recommitting one’s self to making healthy life choices through alternative therapy and lifestyle modifications in the most natural way possible. As we have discussed earlier, holistic methods and approaches focus off drugs and specified medical procedure, thereby embracing alternative approaches such as meditation, exercise, environmental measures, bioenergy enhancement, relationship, and spiritual counseling and behavioral modifications. But what are the major benefits of embracing this alternative and effective therapy?
- It focuses on the entire body system
Earlier in this discourse, we pinpointed that holistic healthcare system focuses on all ramification of your existence as human both physically, mentally, philosophically and psychologically. This is evidenced by testimonies from several patients in traditional therapies such as yoga, meditation, acupuncture, dieting. While modern medicine focuses on curing the symptoms while capitalizing on physical diagnosis, the holistic system treatments try to focus on healing by understanding the underlying causes of a condition which in many cases are non-physical but psychosocial causes.
- Holistic health care improve self-inventory
Holistic therapy has helped many patients most especially ones on meditation, counseling, yoga and behavioral modification, to improve their philosophy about life in general thereby helping them in making a better decision about their health-related quality of life. For instance, Holistic treatment plans such as diet modification, have helped many people understand their bodies’ need to adjust to healthier diet this means with holistic medicine one can gradually begin to have a clear-cut understanding of the need for a healthier lifestyle.
- It focuses on natural healing
The main goal of holistic medicine practice is to achieve an optimal level of well-being in the most possible natural and drug-free ways. This is why holistic system although may have integrated some contemporary health care approaches, surgical procedure and drugs are strictly not part of it. The system rather capitalizes on natural energy based on the interconnectivity of the spirit, mind and the physical body to foster self-discovery and natural healing processes. Also as aforementioned, basic treatment approaches in holistic medicine include meditation, exercise, environmental measures, bioenergy enhancement, relationship, and spiritual counseling and behavioral modifications all of which are natural and therapeutic healing procedures.
- Improve corporate wellness
Holistic medicine is fast becoming very much significant to corporate wellness in our contemporary age. Self-induced stress and burnout as a result of extreme work ethics in corporate sectors are fast gaining mainstream consideration due to their consequential effect on staff productivity and industrialization. Holistic medicine, due to its flexibility and approaches has been of significant help over the years in improving productivity in aspects such as behavioral modification and other therapeutic healing procedure.
- It’s patient empowering
Holistic health care plans are cultured approaches that bring out the best possible health-related quality of life of an individual. This is because over time during holistic procedures patients get empowered with the knowledge of what to do, the herbal mixture to take and when to take and so on. This way of living consequently and gradually become an integral part of their daily lives as it empowers them on self-sustaining means through which they can live healthy and fulfilling lives. This is one of the main reasons why many today opt for holistic alternative medicine to help feel empowered in their own health care.