Being overweight carries several health risks. Lose weight with the science of yoga in a natural manner. Explore this blog to know the 10 best yoga postures for weight loss in detail.

Being overweight and obese does not only affect an external appearance but also the health and lifestyle in adverse ways. From Diabetes to affecting a person’s joint health, energy levels, breathing patterns, and sleep, being overweight can tarnish the quality of life to a greater extent.

Describing Overweight:

Overweight is a health condition that surfaces when people accumulate more body fat than is optimally healthy. The continuous building up of the fat in the body can harm the person’s health and wellness. When a person has substantial chances of being affected by weight-related health problems and diseases, the term overweight or obese is used.

Today, there are more overweight people than before. From kids to teens to adults, obesityepidemic can affect anyone Let’s learn why do people suffer from obesity or overweight?

  • Obesity can be a result of genetics. Due to the genetic propensity, people are more prone to weight gain. Along with genes, a person’s body type, environment, and eating patterns also play a greater role.
  • Our unwholesome food choices (fast-food, packaged delicacies, etc.), poor eating habits (having meals while watching TV), consumption of high-calorie snacks, and inactive lifestyle are some of the contributing factors to overweight and obesity epidemic.
  • Eating disorders like binge eating– a condition where a person often eat more whenever they feel upset, stressed, or anxious.

Health Problems Of Being Overweight:

Overweight and Obesity are extremely bad for both body and mind. When people carry extra weight, they put pressure on the joints and bones of their legs and knees that can result in knee osteoarthritis, gout, and many other problems.

Some of the weight-related health problems:

1 Asthma: Obesity is linked to an increased risk of asthma. In people with asthma, the airways are swollen and produce the thick mucus that narrows the airways and make it difficult for a person to breathe.

2 Sleep Apnea: Many overweight people suffer from the serious health problem of sleep apnea. A medical condition in which a person’s breathing repeatedly starts and stops. Sleep apnea affects the person’s ability to concentrate, can lead to heart problems, and make the person feel tired and lethargic.

3 High Cholesterol: Consumption of fried foods on a regular basis results in abnormal blood lipid levels, including high cholesterol levels, high triglyceride levels that increase the chances of having a heart attack or a stroke.

4 Diabetes: Doctors refer to diabetes as the metabolic disease in which a person has high blood glucose. Type 2 Diabetes is common among overweight people. It is a health condition where the body does not produce enough insulin for proper function.

5 Pseudotumor Cerebri: Obese people can suffer from this rare type of severe headache. Besides a headache, symptoms include vomiting, double vision, etc.

Other Health-Problems Include:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
  • Gallstones
  • Fatty Liver
  • Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE)
  • Joint and Muscle Pain

Obesity and Overweight are as much a psychological as a physical problem. It is believed a person’s weight problem is intimately linked with his emotional and social world.

  • Social stigma
  • Bullying
  • Low self-esteem
  • Depression
  • Discrimination
  • Emotional eating
  • Loss of energy and joy for life

The Ideal Body Mass Index:

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure to attempt to quantify the weight of a person using his height and based on the value; the person is categorized as underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese. The acceptable BMI ranges: overweight: 25 to 30 and obese: over 30.

Lose Weight In A Healthy Manner With Yoga

Yoga is the traditional system of exercise and therapy for living a good and healthy life. The physical yoga practices of asanas work on strengthening of the muscles and joints of the diverse body parts helping in getting a toned look. The Pranayama and Shatkriya practices purify the skin from toxins and increase the blood flow in the body that results in optimal working internal system keeping at bay the various health problems. The meditation practices reduce the production of cortisol– a stress hormone and promotes heightened awareness that helps people adopt healthy eating patterns. Overall, the system of yoga cultivates physical and psychological awareness leading the individuals toward mindful eating. Mindful eating is a process of being fully aware of the body’s sensitivity to hunger and satisfaction. During luxury yoga retreat in India, people are encouraged to indulge in mindful eating helping them cultivate good eating habits and learning the best ways to nourish the body which plays a vital role in long-term weight management and gaining ideal body mass index.

People who commit to the practice of classical yoga asanas along with healthy eating can gain or lose weight in a natural and healthy manner. On luxury yoga retreats, you get an opportunity to practice the yoga poses effectively for weight loss. So, here are 10 effective yoga postures for weight loss:

1. Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose (Prasarita Padottanasana): Begin the pose in Tadasana. Now, step your feet 2-3 inches wide and maintain your balance. Inhale and uplift the chest to make the front torso longer. Exhale, maintaining the elongation of the spine and lean forward from the hips. Extend the arms fully. The arms and legs should be perpendicular to the ground and parallel to each other. Deepen the forward fold by lowering the torso and head as much as possible. Try to bring the crown of your head on the ground.

Benefit: If you want to lose weight, try this pose as it tones the abdominal muscles, reduces stress making you calm and conscious of your body cues.

2. Low Lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana): Start in the Downward Dog. Breathe out and step your right foot in front between your hands and right knee over the heels. Lower the left knee towards the ground and stretch the leg behind until you feel a comfortable stretch in the thigh and groin. Rest the top of the left foot on the floor. Breathe in, make your torso upright. Hoist the arms up alongside the ears parallel to the ground or join the palms together. Gently tilt your head backward and look up. Do not strain the neck.

Benefit: The low Lunge Pose opens the chest and expands the lungs, thus helping take in more oxygen that detoxifies and nourishes the body. Detoxification balances the hormone levels in the body thus promoting weight loss.

3. Boat Pose (Navasana):
Sit on the front edge of the yoga mat. Legs and arms straight on the mat. Bend the knees and place the feet on the ground. Rest the hands behind the hips, lengthen the torso, uplift through the sternum and lean back. Exhale, raise the feet up and stretch the legs in front. Keep the toes above the eye level and thighs about 45-degree to the floor. Bring the arms forward alongside the body.

Benefit: The pose is beneficial in improving the digestion and toning the abdominal muscles granting a chiseled look.

4. Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana): Begin the pose in the Adho-Mukha Svanasana. Upon inhalation, draw the torso forward until the arms become perpendicular to the floor with the shoulders over the wrists. Firmly press the hands into the floor. Broaden your shoulders and spread your collarbone away from the sternum. Spread the legs behind and curl the toes under. Look straight down towards the ground, soften your gaze.

Benefit: As you hold up yourself in the plank pose, you can feel a stronger core in no time. The pose is highly beneficial for the health of the body.

5. Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana): Stand in the mountain pose. As you exhale, step your feet wide apart about 3-4 inches. Stretch the arms to the sides, palms down. Place your left foot out at 90-degrees and align the heels of both the feet in a straight line. Take a bend at the left knee over the left ankle. Strengthen the right leg and press the outer right heel into the floor. Turn your head to the left and look at the fingers of the left hand.

Benefit: Tone the muscles in the thighs and shoulders and evolve into a powerful warrior with this pose. The pose stimulates the abdominal organs and is therapeutic for osteoporosis that can occur in overweight people as the health of joints is compromised.

6. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana): Stand on the ground with feet hip-distance apart and arms at the side. Pivot the right foot out and the left foot in. Keep the heels of both the feet aligned. Raise your arms to shoulder-height, palms facing downwards. On an exhalation, reach down with your right hand in the direction of your right foot and raise the left hand upwards. Slightly tilt your torso towards the right. Rest the right hand on the ground near the right foot. Fix your gaze at the left thumb.

Benefit: The pose provides relief from sluggish digestion thus assisting in weight loss. Through stretching and strengthening, it helps to get a slim body.

7. Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho-Mukha Svanasana): Come onto the floor on your knees and hands. Knees should be under the hips and hands underneath the shoulders. Spread the fingers and tuck the toes inward. Slowly, lift your knees up and extend your legs one by one as much as possible. Balance yourself in the upside-down position by pressing the hands into the floor. Hang your head down and look at the navel.

Benefit: The pose calms the brain, energizes the body, nourishes the digestive organ, and strengthens the arms and legs.

8. Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana): Lie on a yoga mat in supine position. Rest the feet on top of the floor with knees bent. Compress the palms into the ground to raise the feet up and to draw the thighs into the torso. Continue to lift up by curling the pelvis and bring the knees to your face. Support the back with your hands. Inhale, unbend the knees and stretch your legs up. Your body should fall in a straight line. Gaze softly at the chest.

Benefit: The shoulder stand stimulates the thyroid glands as well as the abdominal organs. It is a great pose for fighting depression as well.

9. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana): Lie in a prone position with arms by your torso. Exhale, bend the legs at the knees and raise them up with your feet close to the hips. Reach back with your arms and grab the ankles. Your knees should be hip-width apart. Gently, lift your heels away from the hips and simultaneously the thighs up from the ground. Draw your shoulder blades to your back to open the chest.

Benefit: The Bow Pose improves posture, stretches the front body and stimulates the functioning of the internal organs.

10. Standing Forward Fold Pose (Uttanasana): Stand upright on a yoga mat. Inhale, raise the arms up straight with palms facing the front. Exhale, bent forward as one whole unit from the hips maintaining the length of the spine. Fold deeper with each breath. Touch the toes with your fingers or rest the hands on the ground. Relax the head and the neck.

Benefit: Practice this pose for reducing fatigue, relieving a headache, stretching and strengthening the muscles of the body.

The science of yoga incorporates the practice of yoga asanas effective in toning, activating the healthy functioning of the organs, increasing the good hormones in the brain, and so much more to ensure safe and effective weight loss.



Author Bio : Bipin Baloni is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveller in India. He provides Ayurvedic Treatment In Kerala. He loves writing and reading books related to yoga, health, nature and the Himalayas.
