It is time for the latest and hottest competition in the coldest season of the year (pun included), it’s November 2017 and the weather are starting to grow colder, nights longer and holidays are on the way. The ominous toy sales are on their way, and now it’s a matter of family pride, child ego and block honor that takes over the minds of kids and parents alike. So before you go out to buy all the goodies you think your kids want or are interested in, check out what’s hot, hotter and hottest for sale this year.

Let’s take a look at some of this year’s hottest toys.

were a great surprise this year, set at -125, however, the main difference from last year is the double animal hatch-ling. This toy actually hatches two animals from the same egg, so kids get a double treat.

Fingerlings are set at +300. This small tiny marsupial (monkey) hugs your fingers and reacts like a small marsupial to sounds and movement. Toys “R” Us released a unique version a small robot unicorn, aaaaaw, ma, pa; please get me that unicorn, they are absolutely the best-est in the world.

Nintendo SNES Classic comes in at +45. The Super NES Classic Edition system looks and feels just like the original ’90s home console, except it’s super small.

Luvabella doll
set at +825.

FurReal Roarin’ Tyler the Playful Tiger is set at +1,200

LOL Surprise Dolls come in at +1,500, These dolls cost around $2.50 for a basic model and go up to $100 for the LOL big Surprise. This model has 50 layers that kids peel off before they get to the actual toy. Kids actually love to peel off the layers even if it does sound quite tedious. Just don’t use it to pass the parcel or musical chairs or you will be stuck for two weeks waiting to peel it all off.

Soggy Doggy is set at +2,200

Laser-X come in with +2,500

The Paw Patrol Sea Patroller is far out at sea with +4,000

Teach N Tag Movi
is close behind at +4,500

Lego Boost is at +6,000 and is most probably due to a bit of price, and how much it hurts to step on little pieces you cannot see without a microscope, and hi-lumen LED light.