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10 Effective Yoga Exercises To Get Toned Abs

Take a look at any fitness magazine, the models with an enviable body surely hook the eyes. The fitness industry flaunts toned abdominal muscles...

Use Yoga As An Alternate Therapy

Summary: Read to know how yoga can be more than a regimental fitness exercise and come in use in a therapeutic way in case...

10 Easy and Gentle Modifications Anyone Can Do

It’s not easy to stick to the rigorous textbook steps of yoga asanas all the time, especially if you are suffering from an injury...

10 Ways to Find Peace Through Yoga

If you are into yoga, peace won’t be hard to come by. Learn about yoga and its many peace-ushering qualities. Peace is not something that...

5 Useful Yoga Asanas That Will Help You Detox Your Mind

What is a yoga asana? Asana is another word for posture. More traditionally translated as “comfortable seat,” a seated pose generally used as a form...