Nicki Minaj’s brother Is A Convicted Pedophile Rapist

Jelani Maraj (via Nassau County PD) Nicki Minaj might be a great rapper and music artist, but her brother is as unsuccessful in life as...

A Parent’s Worst Nightmare

In Milwaukee, a young mother’s worst nightmare nearly came true when she received a frightening call from her babysitter stating that she had been...

Fidget Spinners lead the Toy Fad Charts

The Washington Public Interest Research Group (WASHPIRG) recently performed a study of the spinners metal content and found that lead levels are 330 times...

Woman cons Walmart out of $2,000

Cheyenne Amber West, a 25-year-old woman from Vero Beach, Florida, was arrested and accused by Walmart of paying only $3.70 for over $1,800 of...

It’s time to match clothes with your pet!

Winter is on us, and the cold weather can enter the house even if it’s only in clothes. Fabdog is an online store that...