When looking to lose weight you must take gradual steps. By going all out straight away you are likely to cause some kind of injury. Therefore, pacing yourself and finding a workout that works out for your body can help you to be healthy and happy even when the gyms are closed. To help you get started, we have written a list of some of our top tips for losing weight whilst the gyms are closed.

Create A Routine

One of the easiest ways for you to lose weight when the gyms are shut is to make a routine. Though it may be tempting to sleep in and sit on the sofa for the rest of the day, you must create a routine and stick to it.

This will not only aid you in maintaining your mental health, but it will allow you to feel motivated to work out. Whether it is doing a Zumba class four times a week or doing a HIT workout, this can all keep you looking and feeling great throughout quarantine.

Monitor What You Are Eating

In addition to creating a routine, you must monitor what you are eating during the quarantine. Too often we find ourselves getting bored and heading straight to the fridge for a snack. However, when you have made 5 trips to the fridge without even realizing this can make for added calories that you could do without.

Therefore, you must begin eating healthily. One of the easiest ways that you can do this is to monitor what you are eating. Though you can use orlistat tablets to limit the amount of fat that your body absorbs, they will only work effectively if you eat healthily, to begin with.

No Gym Equipment Needed

Just because the gyms are closed does not mean your workouts have to suffer. With the likes of online Pilates and HIT workouts, you can continue to shred calories even without using weights and other equipment. In addition to this, science has shown that HIT workouts can change the metabolism in the body, helping you to lose weight even on your days off.

Use Things You Find In The Home

If you require some weights however and don’t have access to dumbbells there are things in your home that you can use. Whether you opt for two bags of flour or some canned goods, you can use these as weights and up the reps.

This will allow you to work a wide range of muscles without the need for dumbbells. However, because of the difference in weight, you may have to alter your workout for more reputations as you will not see the same results with a short amount of reps using a dumbbell.

With this in mind, there are several ways that you can continue to maintain a healthy weight even whilst the gyms are closed. Will you be using any of these top tips for your gym routine until the gyms open?