Financial prosperity is desired by everyone and it is generally thought that making good investments is the key but it goes beyond putting capital in different schemes and involves making prudent and wise use of your time and wealth...
Sо, уоu’vе еѕtаblіѕhеd thе rеаѕоnѕ fоr уоur рооr сrеdіt rаtіng. Nоw hоw саn уоu gо аbоut fіxіng thе рrоblеm? Cоrrесtіng Anу Mіѕtаkеѕ.If уоu dіѕаgrее wіth thе fасtѕ thаt thе сrеdіt rеfеrеnсе аgеnсу hаѕ оn уоur fіlе, уоu саn dіѕрutе...
Artificial Intelligence is one of the most exciting fields of Science, Technology and Economics which has the potential to transform the era, though finding the best alternative is not an easy task. The evolution of artificial intelligence in the...
Those of us who love analytics often quote the phrase – Data Drives Decisions. Ok, so why is there so much of fuss around big data? Isn’t it just the same data with a lot of big numbers which...
Marketing is mostly about connectivity – building connections between the supplier/merchandiser and the customer/client. The better the marketing strategies, the better you will be at your business. If you’re on a startup or a small project, you can’t overlook...
The level of student debt has been on the rise over the years, and it is natural to try your best to break free within the shortest time possible. But paying your student loan can be a daunting task...
One of the main reasons why financial experts advise against over-investing in your business early on is due to a phenomenon known as depreciation. This is a natural process in which an asset loses value over the course of...
Have you come across a situation where for some reason you have the urge to sell your house? Are you finding it difficult to sell a house in such a short amount of time? Selling a house, indeed, is...
As a freelancer starting out it’s important to have a strong hold on your cash flow and money situation, particularly as some months might be leaner than others. Not having a regular income takes some getting used to so...
When you have a stock that you fear might decline in value and cause you to incur huge losses, usually what you’d do is place a stop-loss order. A stop-loss order allows you to set a value below the...