“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams
Fundraising can be a great way to hold events so that people will be engaged in or apart of your mission. And this is because fundraising usually as something noble behind it – or at least that is what we assume most of the time.
There are many ways to throw a fundraiser, and the great thing is that you will NOT have to spend thousands or hundreds or an even a few dollars to start a fundraiser.
In fact, there are many online blogs and services which offer many ways to start a fundraiser and all without having to pay a penny. But if you want something that is more personal. Something that is more connected with other people, then this is the article for you. In this article, we have compiled a list which you can read below that should help you get a few ideas for some fundraisers events.
Throwing a fundraiser doesn’t need to be strenuous, and it doesn’t need to be something you lose your head over. In fact, throwing a fundraiser can be a very joyous experience when considering a few of these ideas.
So if you are looking to throw a laundry detergent fundraiser event but need a few ideas on how you should go about doing that. Then in this article, we will explain a few ways in which you can start to go about throwing a fundraising event that will help you with your fundraising event.
It hurts nobody to give of something they can spare.
So go out there and connect with like-minded people who want to make a difference. Go out there and connect with people who want to start making productive changes in life.
Go out there and create a fundraiser event that will be memorable… and even more, something that will become an annual event.
In this article, we will discuss a few ways in which you will be able to throw a few fundraising events.
The Top Fundraising Events Ideas That You Can Start Implementing Today
10,000 Steps Challenge
“The secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates
This is a great event that not only helps in raising funds for your development, but it also helps in getting people to get out there and in shape. The benefits that one gain from engaging in a fundraising experience like this is that you will be able to get your voice and your word out there visually and physically.
The 10,000 step challenge is an excellent option as it helps to spread the message by word of mouth and if you don’t know word of mouth is how many businesses operate and grow their business.
And conversely, it is also how some businesses fail. So it is essential that whatever message you put out there will be able to have the backing of the people because, in the end, the people are the ones who can either make or breaks your fundraising endeavor.
Book Swap
“Be happy with what you have while working for what you want.” – Helen Keller
Believe it or not, people still read physical books, and this can also be a great way to start tasing ends for whatever it may be that you are trying to bring attention to. Exchanging books is a great way to not only share ideas but to meet like-minded people.
And this is precisely why this whole event and endeavor is misty about. It is about connecting with people and with people who can actually make a difference. The book saw event is more than just swapping books but swapping ideas and connecting with other people and this may very well be one of the best ways to really broaden your message and take it to a much larger audience.
Pool Party
“Fundraising is the gentle art of teaching the joy of giving.” – Hank Rosso
Holding a pool party event which you can have at hotels or at the local pool can be a fantastic way to get people to start helping with your fundraising events. Everybody likes the pool. Pools are fun, and they are a great way to start getting people to bring that extra bit of cash for your fundraising event.
Pool parties, no matter how old you are, will always be a blast and swimming is scientifically proven to make you happier and being happier lends to you spending more money (well get the people who come to spend more money).
Food Truck Event
“Volunteers will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no volunteers.” – Ken Wyman
Much like the 10,000 steps challenge – the food truck event is another excellent way to get your message out there, and this is primarily due to you taking your message to various locations. The need to get your message out in the populace is a great way to get your funds raised for whatever you are trying to raise money for.
This is great because you also have people who will go out there and spread your message to a much larger radius then had you given by foot alone.
Host A Concert
“No one has ever become poor from giving.” – Anne Frank
This may be a bit costly – but if you can get some people who want to get that exposure or that notoriety for their group, then this could potentially be an excellent way to start your concert holding events.
Why this is salient and why you should consider this idea is because people love to have a good time (that probably didn’t really need saying) and ether is many bands that would like to get that exposure so don’t overlook this idea.
Holding a concert where people don’t have to pay anything but can give what they want at the end of the concert is a great way to get people to give that money. It has been shown that people will be more generous if they are not told what to give.
Why you want to do this (give a free concert and have them DONATE what they wish to). People are much more generous when they DONATE willingly and if you provide them with a show or something at really made them happier they will be that much more likely to guava more.
It is all science, and it may seem like you are playing people but its proven that people are much more generous and more empathetic when they are happy. So why not make people happy so that they can give more then what they would initially give and they not been felled with joy?
Host A Marathon
“Go out into the world and do good until there is too much good in the world.” – Larry H. Miller
Holding a marathon is great. It brings out the competitiveness in people, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. Holding competitions in the form of a marathon is a great way to get people coming out to SUPPORT.
Having families, friends, and neighborhoods support their people with donations – can be the way you find your event.
This may seem like an antiquated way of having a fundraiser event but this is most definitely a pastime, and for many, this is really a fun game. This isn’t just for old people, but this is also for people who love the game of chance.
This may not be the event that you want to have as your major fundraising event, but this could serve as a secondary event.
Obstacle Course
Lastly, holding an obstacle course can be another garnet event. They are fun, inexpensive, a blast to experience with groups of people and overall one of the best ways to get people showing up.
Much like the marathon, it’s all about competition and support with this event. By having an obstacle course, you have people, who will support there family and friends and this is a great way to start getting those funds rising.
Final Thoughts
Trying to get funds for a noble cause can be a great thing, but it WILL NOT BE EASY. As a matter of fact, it will be a challenging experience. And it is for this reason that we have compiled these examples above.
If you have been looking to throw a fundraising event but have had some very challenging times coming up with facts, then we are quite confident that the int above should spark a bit of imagination for you.
10,000 Steps Challenge
The 10,000 step challenge is an excellent option as it helps to spread the message by word of mouth and if you don’t know word of mouth is how many businesses operate and grow their business.
Book Swap
And this is precisely why this whole event and endeavor is misty about. It is about connecting with people and with people who can actually make a difference. The book saw event is more than just swapping books but swapping ideas and connecting with other people and this may very well be one of the best ways to really broaden your message and take it to a much larger audience.
Pool Party
Holding a pool party event which you can have at hotels or at the local pool can be a great way to get people to start helping with your fundraising events. Everybody likes the pool. Pools are fun, and they are a great way to start getting people to bring that extra bit of cash for your fundraising event.
Food Truck Event
Much like the 10,000 steps challenge – the food truck event is another excellent way to get your message out there, and this is primarily due to you taking your message to various location. The need to get your message out in the populace is a great way to get your funds raised for whatever you are trying to raise money for.
Host A Concert
Holding a concert where people don’t have to pay anything but can give what they want at the end of the concert is a great way to get people to give that money. It has been shown that people will be more generous if they are not told what to give.
Host A Marathon
Holding a marathon is great. It brings out the competitiveness in people, and that is to necessarily a bad thing. Holding competitions in the form of a marathon is a great way to get people coming out to SUPPORT.
This may seem like an antiquated way of having a fundraiser event but this is most definitely a pastime, and for many, this is really a fun game. This isn’t just for old people, but this is also for people who love the game of chance.
Obstacle Course
Much like the marathon, it’s all about competition and support with this event. By having an obstacle course, you have people, who will support there family and friends and this is a great way to start getting those funds rising.
We hope that the list we have compiled will help to spark some ideas for your fundraising endeavors. It is salient to know that it will not be easy to start fundraising and that it will take a lot of effort to start and get it going.
We highly recommend the book swap idea as this is an event that will bring many like minds together and as a result you not only meet other people with the same goals, but you will also meet people who can bring new ideas and a unique perspective to the whole fundraising event.
In holding events like this, it is all about networking and connecting. As long as you can do this, you will be able to succeed in your fundraising endeavors. It is all about connecting.